Science of Stretching for Flexibility - Unlock your bodies full potentialÂ

If you have stiff hamstrings, tight hips, or a locked-up spine,  the Science of Stretching program can effectively and systematically create more space in your body.
The Science of Stretching is a targeted mobility training method that works to open up your body.
No experience required, super stiff people are always welcome. I take a very simple, science-based approach that is effective for everyone.
What Are The Benefits:
- Relieve back, neck and shoulder pain
- Learn to move like a younger version of yourself
- Protect and care for your joints
- Build long, strong supporting tissues
- Enjoy the sports and activities you love
- Feel the youthful freedom of a flexible body
- Learn to palm the floor in a forward bend
- Squat bum to heels without discomfort
- Interlace your hands behind your back with straight arms
- Sit school-style with your knees on the floor
This program is for students of all levels, including complete beginners and students with injuries. Our goal is to re-establish a basic range of motion (ROM), not to learn contortion or pretzel poses. The benefits of a long, limber body go way beyond yoga poses: flexibility improves posture, reduces pain, reduces the chances of injury, and allows you to move like a younger version of yourself.
This is a very deliberate practice to achieve more flexibility. Positions are held up to 5 minutes with passive stretching positions.
What Deep Stretching For Flexibility Program Is and Is Not
- 100% focus on mobility
- Low deliberate, and uncomfortable
- More challenging mentally than physically
- Targeted mobility training
- No energy medicine, meridians or chakras
- Not a meditation class
- Not physiotherapy or rehab
- Not a restorative class
Contraindications for Practice
X No pain killers before class
X Not for pregnant women
X Not before heavy cardio or weight lifting (2-3 hour window)
X Proceed with caution if you have hyper mobility such as Eshlers-Danlos Syndrome
Be sure to check with your doctor if you have any of the following:
1. Hip replacement
2. Severe Scoliosis
3. Surgeries
4. Any illness or disease
Book a session or a workshop today to unlock your body's full potential and embrace the joy of movement.